it is up 4.4%, more than treble the 1.2% rate of inflation.
The worst
culprits are Arsenal whose cheapest season ticket (£1014) is almost double the
average, rising 3.97% from last season. It is by far the highest in the league
and more than double the amount that 17 Premier League clubs charge for their most
expensive one.
Arsenal's most
expensive season ticket is a massive £2013 compared to Charlton Athletic's
£150, the cheapest in the top four divisions and less than many Conference
South/North teams including local club Farnborough.
Arsenal also
have the most expensive match-day ticket in the Premier League costing a
colossal £97 more than double the most expensive match-day ticket at seven
other top-flight clubs.
City on the other hand have the Premier League's cheapest season ticket costing
a mere £299 which is cheaper than 15 Championship clubs, 10 clubs in League
One, 4 in League Two and even one, Halifax Town, in the Conference Premier. In
fact it is the same as local Conference side Aldershot!
So how does
this compare to the rest of Europe?
A season
ticket at giants Barcelona is a snip at £103 whilst £70.36 will get you season
ticket at Benfica and £57.73 at Sporting Lisbon!
prices are also considerably cheaper.
The average lowest
price ticket for the four major European Leagues are:
Bundesliga £10.33
Serie A £14.15
La Liga £24.68
Premiership £28.30
Leverkusen, Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund and Schalke - all charge less than
£13 for their cheapest match-day ticket, the same price as Farnborough and you can watch a game at Barcelona or
Real Madrid for £17, the same price as Aldershot.
Nor has the
English Football match day experience improved.
Top of the
Football League Triple "P" index (Programme, Pie and a Pint) is
Fulham of the Championship at £11.60 - comprising programme £3.50, pie £3.90
and pint £4.20.

Kidderminster of the Conference Premier boast the most expensive meat pie in English football
at a staggering £4.50 whilst a cup of tea at Southampton, Liverpool and
Man. United will cost you £2.50!
Think of it this way - buying a meat pie at every home match at Kidderminster would have bought you a season ticket at Barcelona.

Think of it this way - buying a meat pie at every home match at Kidderminster would have bought you a season ticket at Barcelona.
I rest my
To find out how much you will spend supporting your team this season use this BBC Price of Football Calculator.
Frightening isn't it!
To cheer you up here's the presentation photos from Rushmoor in Bloom 2014 with my Silver Gilt and my mate Boney's commendable first year Bronze.

I'll leave you with this version of The Shadows classic hit "Apache" performed by Domingos Caetano and his students at Bar o'Farol, fuzeta last Wednesday and recorded on my mobile:
Hey Ho!
To find out how much you will spend supporting your team this season use this BBC Price of Football Calculator.
Frightening isn't it!
To cheer you up here's the presentation photos from Rushmoor in Bloom 2014 with my Silver Gilt and my mate Boney's commendable first year Bronze.

I'll leave you with this version of The Shadows classic hit "Apache" performed by Domingos Caetano and his students at Bar o'Farol, fuzeta last Wednesday and recorded on my mobile:
Hey Ho!