Friday, 21 December 2012

And finally (just in case!) .........

Today, 21.12.2012, at 11.11 GMT, is the Winter Solstice where the earth's axial tilt is farthest away from the sun.

Druids and pagans are among those who head to Stonehenge each December to watch the sunrise on the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

Druid leader King Arthur Pendragon, Aldershot's most eccentric ex-soldier, will be leading the celebrations. Apparently he will be making a "political statement" which he hopes will be heard around the world:

"I will be asking for an end to war, an end to economic slavery and, basically, a cleaner, greener planet", announced the self-declared reincarnation of King Arthur.

I don't know why he is bothering because this year's solstice date also marks the conclusion of the long count cycle of the Mayan calendar, which many people believe indicates the end of the world.

Thousands of believers have gathered in Mexico near ancient Mayan ruins, and in other supposedly spiritual places around the world.

Panic-buying of candles has been reported in China's Sichuan province where police have arrested almost 1,000 members of a Christian group which has predicted that Friday will usher in three days of darkness.

A farmer in Hebei province, Liu has built seven survival pods which can contain 14 people each. The pods, made of fibreglass, float on water and can survive storms.

In Russia, where sales of tinned goods and matches have surged, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has urged his countryfolk to remain calm.

Authorities in the French Pyrenees are preparing for an influx of believers to the mountain Pic de Bugarach, where rumours have spread that UFOs will rescue human gatherers.

So, with that in mind, I thought I better fire out one more blog, just in case.

And all I can say is:

I wish I was back in Fuseta,
Not just 'cause the weather is better.
Wherever you go, the pace is so slow
without any bright lights or glitter.

I think I could live in Fuseta,
I could still send my blogging newsletter.
No hotels or pubs, no taxis or bus
But WIFI for the old internetter!

But I'm no longer out in Fuseta
I'm back in the Boro - much wetter.
The heating is on, shorts and T-shirts are gone
and it's long johns, pyjamas and sweater.

Can't wait to go back to Fuseta,
I'm becoming a bit of a "jetter".
Why stay at home, working the loam?
When out there it's startlingly cheaper.

So with memories of sun in Fuseta.
It's back to the dire English weather.
Return to the grind and each night to unwind
Down the Fox with "Original" bitter!

For those of you who have never been to Farnborough or have manged to erase it from your minds, here's a reminder of what it looks like:

Just looked out of the window and everything seems stable - the sun is actually shining.

So looks like I'll have to do my Christmas shopping after all!

This will cheer you all up:

Hey Ho!