Sunday, 13 September 2015

Good Morning 69!

On September 13th 1946 a baby Baltzer reluctantly popped out its head exclaiming “Just give me five minutes more!” which not only happened to be number one in the Billboard charts at the time but also went on to become the story of his life!

Sixty nine years later, here we are celebrating my birthday in the peace, tranquillity and sunshine of the Eastern Algarve, reflecting on how lucky we are to be in such a wonderful apartment in what is for us the perfect retreat.

We have no particular plans for the day – it will just happen but I expect it will involve the odd beer, a boat trip, some fish and some barbecued chicken!

My father was always telling me to "Grow up boy and act your age". Perhaps one day I will!

And anyway I was fed up of being 68!

1946 has a got a lot to answer for - 1969 was a good year as well:

Hey Ho!