Once again we returned from our travels to find that the UK has gone stark raving mad!
We come back to a heat wave and hear that “Britain’s Got Talent” was won by a bloody dog.
Then I find out that 76 year old Engelbert Humperdink, more suited to the geriatric entertainment scene at West Sands Holiday Park, was wheeled out at the Eurovision song contest and embarrassingly only just escaped coming last, providing further proof that “Britain’s Not Got Talent”.
Even worse was to follow. Football thug Joey Barton received a paltry 12 match ban following his pugnacious behaviour on the final day of the football season while the great Kevin Beattie, arguably one of the best players to ever put on an England shirt and unquestionably the best player I have ever had the privilege to watch, was convicted of benefit fraud!
See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-18195811
See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-18195811
It's a funny old game.
And finally, Brains Brewery have finally admitted that their beer taste like urine and are opening up 30 coffee shops across South Wales. Mind you, as the Young Allotmenteer was quick to point out, their coffee will undoubtably taste like shite.
And finally, Brains Brewery have finally admitted that their beer taste like urine and are opening up 30 coffee shops across South Wales. Mind you, as the Young Allotmenteer was quick to point out, their coffee will undoubtably taste like shite.
We had a great time in Portugal and Spain, just a total chill out, and the weather was really hot.
Here’s a couple of holiday photos:
Here’s a couple of holiday photos:
The allotment has been neglected for almost 6 weeks and I have been spending a lot of my time trying to catch up on the weeding and planting ready for the 2012 Allotment competition. It looks like it will be a bumper year for fruit especially currants and berries and my apple trees are loaded with small fruit.
Meanwhile it is exciting times at the caravan park in Lesley.
Mr Bunn, the owner, is investing 17 million pounds in a coastal protection and beach improvement scheme.
Apparently ”Britain’s Not Got Rock” either and 93,000 tonnes of rock are being shipped in from Norway to create two huge breakwaters at each end of the site to protect the beach. Each will be the size of two football pitches. Then half a million tonnes of sand and shingle will be piped onto the beach.
The size of this project is massive and work continues day and night, subject to weather and tides, until September.
See the full details at :
Once the project is finished, later this year, the site will be open for 10 months rather than the present 8 months a year.
The project is being run in parallel with the Environmental Agency’s Medmerry Realignment Scheme, between Selsey and Bracklesham in West Sussex. They are building major new sea defences inland from the coast and allowing a new intertidal area to form. It will also create important new wildlife habitat and open up new footpaths, cycleways and bridleways.
Once the project is finished, later this year, the site will be open for 10 months rather than the present 8 months a year.
The project is being run in parallel with the Environmental Agency’s Medmerry Realignment Scheme, between Selsey and Bracklesham in West Sussex. They are building major new sea defences inland from the coast and allowing a new intertidal area to form. It will also create important new wildlife habitat and open up new footpaths, cycleways and bridleways.
See more details at :
Meanwhile, on the entertainment front, the latest geriatric act to be wheeled out were transatlantic one hit wonders Edison Lighthouse.
Remember this:
Meanwhile, on the entertainment front, the latest geriatric act to be wheeled out were transatlantic one hit wonders Edison Lighthouse.
Remember this:
Rock On!!