Saturday, 2 January 2010

Tooning In

Want to know more?

To "Toon In" all you need to know is:

Is the moon waxing or waning?

Is the moon’s path across the sky ascending or descending?

Which constellation of the zodiac (grouped by Earth, Fire, Air and Water) is the moon passing in front of?

Which aspect of the plant needs to be stimulated?


Well it is, if you are armed with your copy of the relevant “In Toon with the Moon” yearbook.

All very interesting if you happen to be a keen gardener, you may be thinking.

But how wrong you can be, for being “in Toon with the Moon” is not just a complete day-by-day planner for growing but a day-by-day philosophy for living.

Your whole daily routine can be maximised and improved by simply “Tooning In”.

Hooked already?

to be continued ..............