Following on from a very successful and productive 2009, I can now reveal the secret of my success.
As you may be aware, I didn’t get where I am today by taking the slightest bit of notice of the likes of Alan Marsh-Tit, Josey Swift or Carol Klone.
So, you may ask yourself, what is my successful formula?
Is it careful soil preparation, good plantsmanship or just plain hard work, patience and dedication?
Whilst a measure of all of the above is required, the essential element of successful growing is biodynamic gardening - the science of planting and harvesting by the moon.
Yes, my friends, in common with the Werewolves of London, I am “In Toon with the Moon”.
Today more and more gardeners are turning to the moon to discover the best time to plant, prune, weed, and harvest. This practice, known as moon or lunar gardening, focuses on the moon's gravitational effect on the flow of moisture in soil and plants and, to a lesser degree, the effect of moonlight on seed germination.
Want to know more?
Watch this space.
In the meantime I leave you with this:

“His hair was PERFECT”.