Friday, 15 January 2010

A Notable Day

Those of you that are “In Toon” will be aware that today is a New Moon day.

Now I‘m sure that, like me, you didn’t get where you are today by doing more than necessary on any day of the week, however today you can sit back and relax and do absolutely nothing, (or in my case the same as I did yesterday, the day before, the day before that blah blah.)

A New Moon day is not a good day for doing anything and don’t even think about having a hair cut because you will wake up tomorrow with longer hair than before or completely bald.

Don’t believe me, well go on then, try it!

Popped my head in the greenhouse earlier this morning and was pleased, if not surprised to see that Pink Floyd has done the business with my exhibition onions which are now looking quite nicely thank you.

Can’t beat a bit of Brain Damage!

Talking of which I may well have contributed to a bit of damage to what's left of mine this week as the IPA delivered to the Fox last Friday ran out yesterday lunch time. OK it was only a 9 gallon barrel but, as the landlady was quick to point out when I had a moan last night, apparently I was responsible for disposing of at leat half of it.

But whose counting?!

Also today, at 7.06 GMT to be precise, there was an eclipse of the Sun that lasted for 11 mins and 7.7 secs , the longest eclipse of this millennium!

But don’t worry about having just missed it as it was only visible in Zaire, Kenya, the South of India, Bangladesh and China.

It was an annular eclipse which occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line, but the apparent size of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. Hence the Sun appears as a very bright ring, or annulus, surrounding the outline of the Moon, thus giving it the popular, eye watering name of "The Ring of Fire".
(This video is NOT one for the ladies)

Coincidentally Janice and I went for a ruby last night so on that note I must hastily sign off.